Wellbeing Workshop Series
Living abroad can be a daunting experience, filled with countless decisions and challenges. These workshops are for assignees & their partners to help navigate the complexities of life abroad.

The Transition Lab
The step by step process that will support families to thrive in transition.
Imagine being able to sleep easily at night, knowing that you have the right people in the right place leading your business and making the most of new opportunities!

The Leadership Lab
Building leadership strength with knowledge AND the opportunity to implement on the job.
With the current business climate, all organisations are feeling the need to increase the strength of their leaders, enabling them to operate in a disruptive and changing world.
Discover how Mott MacDonald use these services to support their people:
At 21 minutes Janelle talks about the partnership between Mott MacDonald and The Leap To Lead.
Tune In To The Interview