Book A Clarity Session
The Leap To Lead

The Leap To Lead

Hosted by: Emily, The Leap To Lead

Emily Rogers is the founder of The Leap to Lead and a transition and leadership coach for individuals and organisations ready to show up the way they have always desired. Whether women in leadership positions or...


Creating Boundaries That Work for You

Season #4

Boundaries are your personal guardrails. They protect your time, energy, and sanity. But here's the thing - they only work if they work for YOU.
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Navigating The Sandwich Years

Season #4

Do you find yourself caught between caring for your children and ageing parents while trying to maintain a career or business? You’re not alone!
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Moving Beyond Work-Life Balance

Season #4

How many times have you heard the phrase "work-life balance" and felt a twinge of guilt?
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It’s Time To Seize The Moment

Season #4

Have you achieved what you wanted this year? Are you where you thought you'd be when you rang in the New Year? Book your free 30 minute Clarity Session now -
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Imagine Your Best Life

Season #4

Close your eyes. Imagine waking up every day with a clear sense of purpose. Exciting, right? That's the power of clarity, and it's not just a daydream – it's totally achievable. Book your free 30 minute Clarity...
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The Fog Of Uncertainty

Season #4

Ever feel like you're walking through life in a fog? You're not alone. Book your free 30 minute Clarity Session now - 
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The Power Of Clarity

Season #4

Let's talk about clarity. Not the kind you get from cleaning your glasses (though that's nice too), but the kind that lights up your path in life. Book your free 30 minute Clarity Session now...
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5 Practical Tips to Strengthen Personal Leadership

Season #4

Personal leadership is a journey, not a destination. It's about progress, not perfection. Grab Your Free Strengths Assessment Now -
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The Life-Changing Impact of Personal Leadership

Season #4

The impact of personal leadership ripples out to every area of your life. It's not just about doing more or being more productive. It's about living with intention, purpose, and joy. Remember, your journey starts with...
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What is Personal Leadership and Why Does It Matter?

Season #4

Personal leadership is about taking charge of your own life, making intentional choices, and being the best version of yourself. I've created a free Strengths Assessment that will help you identify your unique...
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Rediscover Your Spark

Season #4

When was the last time you felt truly alive, bursting with purpose and excitement for your day? If you’re struggling to remember, you’re not alone. Schedule your FREE 30-minute call now and let’s chat about how The...
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Why the Time Is Never Right to Invest in Yourself

Season #4

I know, I know - the thought of doing something for yourself feels daunting. There's always something else demanding your attention, another fire to put out. Book a call with me today -...
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