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The Leap To Lead

The Leap To Lead

Hosted by: Emily, The Leap To Lead

Emily Rogers is the founder of The Leap to Lead and a transition and leadership coach for individuals and organisations ready to show up the way they have always desired. Whether women in leadership positions or...


Why I Love Coaching Women

Season #4

There's nothing more rewarding than witnessing the transformation in a woman as she rediscovers her inner strength and starts showing up as her true self.
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My Juggling Act

Season #4

It 's been a whirlwind few months, and I wanted to share a quick update on what's been happening in my world.
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Your Power Is In Your Brain

Season #4

If mum can achieve these incredible physical changes, and overcome debilitation… imagine what you can do! If you know someone who suffers from dizziness, I highly recommend Dr Vicky - 
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Confidence Boosters

Season #4

Have you ever felt like you were holding yourself back from reaching your full potential? Like there was an invisible force keeping you from trying new things, taking risks, or fully embracing life's...
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Mindset Makeover

Season #4

Have you ever stopped to consider just how powerful your thoughts are? Sign up for the free "Overcome Your Limits" mini-course today and start developing the mindset you need to achieve your dreams....
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The Invisible Chains

Season #4

Have you ever felt like you were stuck, unable to move forward? Like there were invisible chains holding you back, no matter how hard you tried? Sign up for the "Overcome Your Limits" mini course today and take the...
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Are you OK?

Season #4

It seems like everywhere I turn these days, people are feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep it together.
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Embracing Life's Setbacks

Season #4

It's not the setbacks themselves that define us, but rather how we choose to frame and respond to them. If you’re facing a setback in your life and would like to talk about how you might reframe it for yourself,...
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Breaking Free from the Comparison Trap

Season #4

The constant comparison game is not only unhealthy but also incredibly harmful. It robs us of our joy, our confidence, and our ability to appreciate our unique strengths and journey.
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From Morning Chaos to Evening Peace: Redefining Daily Successes

Season #4

The key to changing how you feel about your life is to focus on what you can do instead of focusing on “everything” and letting it get the better of you.
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Time to seal your energy leaks!

Season #4

Do you feel tired? Do you get to the end of the day and feel completely zapped? Do you flop on the couch, exhausted and feeling like you’ve gotten nowhere? You may be leaking energy, and you may not even realise...
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The Science Of Happiness

Season #4

Have you found yourself feeling flat lately? Maybe you need a little tune up, think of servicing your car. It's something you do regularly because that’s what keeps it running well. Have you ever thought of doing the...
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