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The Leap To Lead

The Leap To Lead

Hosted by: Emily, The Leap To Lead

Emily Rogers is the founder of The Leap to Lead and a transition and leadership coach for individuals and organisations ready to show up the way they have always desired. Whether women in leadership positions or...


Finding Your Big Why

Season #4

Your 'big why' is the thing that fuels all you do and dream of. Yet, for so many of us it’s been pushed to the side and we lose track of what IT is. So how do you discover what IT is? My coaching doors are open and...
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Do You Walk Your Talk?

Season #4

Imagine sailing where the wind, the sails, and the rudder are all in perfect harmony. That’s alignment. Now, what if I told you that the same principle applies to your life? My coaching doors are open and I will be...
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Will you embrace change?

Season #4

Life transitions come in many forms, each transition its own unique blend of emotions and challenges. They affect our identities, reshape our daily routines, and force us to re-evaluate our priorities. Book a call...
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You're Not Fooling Anyone

Season #4

Feeling inadequate in life is the reality for so many of us. Even if we might be doing OK in one aspect of life, we belittle ourselves when it’s not in every aspect of life.
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I love myself! Do you?

Season #4

Why does it feel so awkward to say “I love myself”? Even if you’re just saying it to yourself, in your head and not out loud. It feels a little icky doesn’t it. Why? Learn more about Kate's program -...
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You’re Flat Out Every Day But Here’s 3 Reasons You Lack Direction

Season #4

You’re flat out, every… single… day! But I’m going to challenge you right now, while you’re busy each day, you actually lack direction.
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How many mindsets do you have?

Season #4

Have you considered that for your different roles in life, you need a different mindset?
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What's Your Gift?

Season #4

Women in mid life start to feel invisible, feeling overlooked and undervalued. Knowing your gift is the key to thriving in mid life.
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What Does Your Cake Look Like?

Season #4

It is really common to use someone else’s life as a measure of what we should be doing or should be achieving or should be feeling.
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I'm not perfect, I'm learning just like you

Season #4

There are often moments where I share my journey as a mum, about the decision I made in 2018 to shift how to connect with the girls.
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How Do You Define Personal Growth?

Season #4

Personal growth is one of my core values, it is something that I prioritise not only for myself but for my family and my clients. So what does personal growth mean?
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Is an easier life calling you?

Season #4

Today I want to support you to move beyond the motherload, it is time to redefine this load for ourselves and start today to live an easier life. Book your free clarity session now -...
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