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3 Habits Of Highly Effective Women

coaching lead your life positive personal change self improvement take the leap Sep 05, 2023
The Leap To Lead
3 Habits Of Highly Effective Women

Being a woman has its challenges. Being a mum can make life a little crazy. As we head into the final few months of the year, life can also become overwhelming. 

So what does it look like to be highly effective as a woman? There are three key habits or attributes that will set you up to be highly effective:

Create a routine. 

I’m not saying you need to have every hour of the day scheduled, we all know that doesn’t work well. But think of your day in terms of blocks of time, and create a routine that works for you. 

Why is this important? Routines create predictability. They provide you with an opportunity to exert a level of control over your life. They help your family to know what to expect. Routines also help you to focus on what is important.

Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes uncertain. Routines will give you strength when the rest of your world is upside down. Having a routine that you can rely on will help your overall mental health. You may even find more time for you!


Listen to your kids. Listen to your partner. Listen to your friends. Listen to the teachers. Listen to your colleagues. Listen to the people you meet. Just listen, and truly hear what people are sharing. 

We all know that listening is an essential part of communication. But life gets busy. Sometimes we end up wearing “busy” as a badge of honour. When we are in this state, we are not giving ourselves the opportunity to listen (among other things). 

Listening, and truly hearing the people around you will help you connect and understand. It will help you read the situation and adapt quickly to any changing needs. It will provide you with a better sense of grounding.

Be flexible. 

The world we live in is dynamic. We need to be able to adapt and respond to change, and quickly. Resisting this can lead to unnecessary stress in our lives. Recognising and embracing flexibility will help you adapt to difficult situations more easily. 

Being flexible links directly with the other two key habits. 

By building your routine in blocks of time not by the hour, you are able to flex your time with changing demands of each day or week. But also flexing without compromise on what’s important to you, maintaining the blocks of time but shifting them accordingly. 

In addition, by truly listening to those around you, you are better able to adapt and flex to a situation and changes in needs. You are better connected so you can read it better, and respond better.

I know it sounds simple, but sometimes simple is best, we so often overthink our lives. Try out these three simple habits, and see how you can be more effective in your life. 

I am excited to be offering a free masterclass next week, Your Habits: Discover The Potential Of Positive Habits. In this new masterclass, you will learn what’s holding you back, how to create positive habits and the potential of positive habits. I am also going to be doing live hot seats, bring your specific challenges to the masterclass and receive personalised, live coaching.

Don't miss this opportunity to build a lifestyle where you are in control, a lifestyle that is balanced, a lifestyle that is healthier.

Thursday 14 September 


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