Book A Clarity Session

The Secret Weapon All Mums Need

coaching lead your life positive personal change self improvement supporting mums take the leap Jul 12, 2022
The Leap To Lead
The Secret Weapon All Mums Need

If you feel as though everyone else has the SH*T together and are moving forward with their lives, while you never seem to achieve anything, you may need this secret weapon.

The secret weapon that all mums need… clarity.

Having direction in your life is a key element to feeling content with who you are, and what you’re doing. When you lack clarity in your life, you can start to feel lost, confused and anxious.

So what are the signs that you need this secret weapon, clarity, in your life?

Indecision. Not being able to make a decision, or making a decision but failing to follow through, this is indecision. 

Self doubt. Doubting your own ability to make the right choice, whether it’s something small such as what to eat for dinner, or a life changing decision like returning to work, if you don’t trust yourself first, you’re not giving yourself the opportunity to grow, develop and live your best life. Constantly doubting yourself will lead to a loss of confidence which will perpetuate your self doubt.

Forgetfulness. If you’re suffering from a lack of clarity, you may also be quite forgetful. If your mind is busy with self doubt and indecision, it is easy to also become forgetful. If you find you’re losing your keys on a regular basis or can’t remember if you turned the oven off, this is a good sign you’re lacking clarity in your life.

Short attention span. If you’re lacking focus and direction, this can also lead to a short attention span. If you’re feeling that you don’t have purpose, or can make up your mind what to do, flip flopping between options, you end up giving yourself a short attention span.

Longer term, a lack of clarity can lead to a loss of identity. You feel lost in the errands of everyday life. You feel lost in meeting the needs of your family. You feel lost in everything you need to be for everyone else.

Start today, ask yourself “what do I want in my life”? Go for a walk, let it sit in your mind and see what pops up for you. Write it down. Visualise it. Whether you want to learn a new skill. Start volunteering. Return to part time work. Get that promotion. Show up more for your family. Start to get clarity on you and what you want.

Once you are clear on what IT is, then you need to break it down into little steps so you don’t get lost. Make sure these little steps are really clear, that they are actionable. Then put them in your diary. Carve out time each week to work on it. Make it a priority and don’t give that time away.

Once you start, you will gain momentum and everything gets easier once the momentum starts!

And most importantly, know that you’re not alone. We all go through phases of life where we lack clarity, we just need to take the leap and rediscover it.

This was me last year, feeling frustrated, like nothing was working, in fact everything felt like hard work. I had lost clarity and as a result I was feeling overwhelmed. 

I knew it was time for something to change, but I didn’t know what that change looked like. I reached out for help and as a result I have made some big decisions. Today, I am feeling empowered, I am feeling excited and I am ready to use my secret weapon!

If you feel like you’re lacking clarity, if everything feels like a mountain to climb and you’re constantly overwhelmed and frustrated, then perhaps now is the right time for you to reach out for support, for inspiration to do it. Working with me can help you to take the leap, find clarity and use your secret weapon to lead your life where you want to be.

If this sounds like something you would like to explore further privately in a one on one conversation, I invite you to book a call with me. Let’s connect and talk about your situation and how you can change it. This is a FREE call, there is no obligation, simply allow me the opportunity to support you. 

Book your call here - 



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