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The Jack Of All Trades

expat life expat mums expat parenting expat parenting abroad Mar 01, 2022
The Leap To Lead
The Jack Of All Trades

Are you tired of feeling like a ‘Jack Of All Trades’?

You know the feeling I’m talking about, you do everything for everyone, you are the one stop shop for your family, you pick up the pieces for everyone else.

But… and this bit hurts a little… you don’t feel like a master of anything!

Well my friend, you’re not alone. As women, and especially as mothers, this is sooooo common. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

If you’re tired of being a Jack of all trades but a master of none, then today is the day that you can change that.

I know that look on your face, I can hear your thoughts, you’re thinking… yeah right!?! 

Well, the answer is YES! You CAN become a master. You CAN move beyond being a Jack of all trades.

You’re going to do it by finally recognising that you are an amazing person, you have incredible strengths and these can serve you to live a fantastic life.

You’re going to become a master by finally being honest with yourself and seeing how wonderful you truly are.

I know you can do this, but more importantly I want you to know it too.

Start right now, grab a pencil and paper and write down everything that you can do. Every skill and experience you have. Write it down and don’t stop. Give yourself a little time and just write down everything that pops into your head. Don’t judge what you write down. Don’t question it. Just write it all down. 

Consider the skills it takes to run your household. Consider the skills it takes to manage your son's soccer team. Consider the skills it takes to plan the family’s extra curricular and social calendar. Consider the skills it takes to say ‘no’ to your daughter's endless requests for a cell phone. Consider the skills it takes to juggle you and your family’s life. There are endless skills in these everyday things, write them all down. Planning. Negotiating. Communicating. Problem solving. Listening. 

I bet when you give yourself time and space, you can come up with a rather long list. I know this because too often as women, and especially as mothers, we underestimate how good we really are!

So give yourself a pat on the back, give yourself a hug, celebrate your wonderful self!

Then after giving the list a really good shot, grab a different coloured pencil or highlighter… Come on, this is your chance to play with all the stationary that you secretly love!

Reflect on your list and mark the skills and experiences that you think are also your strengths. If you’re game, ask friends, family and (ex) colleagues what they think are your strengths - what they share may surprise you. Add other people’s ideas to your list.

Now comes the more difficult step. Now that you know your skills and your amazing strengths, ask yourself how they serve you? Are you using your strengths in your life? Is there more you could and ought to be doing? 

Now comes the more difficult step. Now that you know your skills and your amazing strengths, ask yourself how they serve you? Are you using your strengths in your life? Is there more you could and ought to be doing? What can you finally master?

If this sounds like something you would like to explore further, I invite you to book a FREE call with me. Let’s connect and talk about your strengths and understand how they serve you. This is a FREE call, there is no obligation, allow me the opportunity to support you. Book your call here - 

You CAN be a master!


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