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Roar Into 2024!

coaching lead your life positive personal change self improvement take the leap Jan 16, 2024
The Leap To Lead
Roar Into 2024!

Happy New Year! 

I am thrilled to be back! We’ve had a wonderful holiday over Christmas and New Year with the in-laws in the South Island. Needless to say there was a lot of fantastic foods, wonderful wines and special family moments. But I feel so excited to be back! I feel really excited for the year ahead and I have decided my motto for the year ahead is Roar Into 2024! Now, I know it might sound a little odd, but allow me to explain. 

For those who have known me for a while, you will already know that my dear old Dad died of cancer in September 2021. New Zealand and South Australia were in lockdown and with our borders closed, there was no way I could be there with him. So we spent our ‘time together’ on facetime, talking and sharing. In one of these conversations Dad got quite firm with me, insisting that I needed to make some changes in my business and essentially telling me that I needed to show up differently. After he died, my journey of rediscovery began and working with my own coach Amel, Expat Parenting Abroad (which was my old business name) was refocused and redeveloped and The Leap To Lead was created and launched in April 2022.

So where does Roar into 2024 fit in this story? 

Well, while I have felt really proud of The Leap To Lead, and I’ve achieved amazing outcomes for my clients since the refocus and rebrand, I’ve still felt like there was more I could do. 

I want to be THE coach people turn to when they think about empowering women and women’s careers. I want to be THE coach organisations turn to when they think about their talent and moving their people. I want to be KNOWN for my incredible coaching skills and my ability to literally change peoples lives. I want to have that impact on the world. I want to serve others so they can show up and serve in their own lives. The world needs each of us to serve, to have our own impact. 

This is something I haven’t shared before, but over the past few months, actually probably most of 2023 I have been on a bit of a personal journey as well. I have been exploring some of my own inner thoughts and feelings and getting really clear on what I want for myself now and in the future. Some of this time has been spent meditating while walking, some of the inspiration has come from new podcasts I’ve been listening to. This journey has led me to feel truly aware of what it is I want and where I see myself going. I’m certainly not at the end of this journey, I am still learning and will share more in the coming months.

What I really want you to know is that there is a lot happening behind the scenes and as I mentioned, I feel really proud of The Leap To Lead and what I have already achieved in the past 18 months. But what you are hopefully picking up on is my absolute desire to do more. To have more impact. To give more service. To offer more empowerment. Much, much more! It’s not that I have been feeling meek or mild, although if I’m honest, I probably have a little. Importantly it’s really that I truly believe I am capable of more and I really want to do that, for you, for my community.

It also means showing up more for my family. I feel absolutely blessed that I have the privilege to manage my own diary, that I am not beholden to anyone else. I have the flexibility to be out of the office to watch Miss J compete in the athletic zones. I have the flexibility to be offline for Christmas and New Year, to focus on family, (and hopefully you have enjoyed the Her Life series I recorded for you while I have been off). While I am grateful for all of this, I also want to do more for myself and my family. And Roaring Into 2024 is about that for me. 

Roaring into 2024 means not just starting the year with a bang, making New Year's Resolutions. It means taking control, commanding what I want from my life and business. 

I hope this is all making sense, because it can feel a bit rambling when I share from my heart LOL!

My motto is Roar Into 2024 because I want more, and I know that I am capable of more!

So what does that really mean?

At the end of 2023 I had an amazing day with my business bestie Wick. We spent a day together planning and working on each other’s businesses. Brainstorming ideas for what the year ahead might include and developing some new tools and resources to make that plan come to life. 

I left that day with an energy like I’ve never felt before. I left that planning day buzzing not only with ideas, but with an inner zest that I have been looking for. A focus that not only maps out what I can do, but how I can do it. 

For you, it means more opportunities to work with me. From free masterclasses, tools and resources to paid online courses and coaching programs. I want to give you the opportunity to roar into your own life with whatever level of support you want and need from me. 

As part of this, I want to support you to Roar into 2024! I want you to not only know what IT is that you want, but to have a plan for how you’re going to achieve it. I want you to have that energy, that buzzing feeling that I experienced when I did this work for myself and the business. 

Available right now, I have an online masterclass Roar into 2024. This isn't about starting the year with a bang; it's about roaring into every aspect of your life. I want to support you to seize the opportunities in front of you and craft a year that truly reflects your goals and aspirations. In this FREE masterclass, we will explore what you truly want in life, both personally and professionally. You will set meaningful goals that are achievable, yet support you to live your best year.

As I have already shared, I believe it's time for us to all let go of the meek and mild and step into each of our own power, declaring our ambitions, and making them happen. This online masterclass is designed to empower you to take charge of your life and have the joy you deserve.

I know it’s a busy time of year, so I have pre recorded the masterclass so you can enjoy it in your own time and at your own pace. In fact, with a dedicated workbook, there are moments where I suggest you pause and complete the activities to ensure you get the most out of the masterclass. 

Together let’s Roar Into 2024 and achieve so much more!

The masterclass is ready for you now, go to!


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