Feelings of Home
Jun 11, 2019
Last week I was reading a post from Jodi Harris, World Tree Coaching, who is in the process of relocating from Japan. Jodi shared a beautiful Love Letter to Japan, her reflections of a country she loves, yet is torn by feelings that contradict that love.
While reading I was reminded of a Goodbye Letter I wrote to India when we left after five years. I searched it out, and reread what I wrote and I was surprised to learn that my feelings haven’t changed. Despite two subsequent moves, the emotion I felt for India when we left is largely the same.
Ask any of my friends, and they will tell you that I am a little desperate right now to get back. I need my India fix. I need to go ‘home’ again.
Why does India still feel like home? I think it’s because our daughters were born there. I think it’s because of the family we created there. I think it’s because India is a country with a massive heart.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved living in Chongqing and I really wasn’t ready to leave after two years. And I absolutely love Taipei! I so enjoyed having the in laws here last month and sharing my new home with them - the mountains, the beaches, the old streets and the stunning cityscape… but most importantly the people.
So does that mean that we have can have multiple ‘homes’? Of course, I’m not talking about physical bricks and mortar. It’s true, home is where the heart is. But can my heart belong to different places at the same time? I guess so.
So please, let me indulge for a moment and share with you my Goodbye Letter to India:
Goodbye my beloved India,
I love your warm and welcoming embrace,
I love the courage you have given me to try new and different things,
I love the care and compassion you’ve shown my family and I,
I love the tapestry of people you’ve woven into our lives,
I love and adore our two beautiful girls born on your shores,
I love the array of experiences you’ve provided us,
I love your stark contrasts and odd idiosyncracies (well most of the time I do),
And yes, we have upset each other on a few occasions,
But I love you and I will miss you,
Until we meet again xx
Where is home for you? Has your feeling of home changed over time? Please do share your experience, I would love to hear from you.