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Are you running your own race?

coaching lead your life positive personal change self improvement take the leap Jan 23, 2024
The Leap To Lead
Are you running your own race?

As women, we often find ourselves juggling the needs of others leaving little time and energy for our own needs and wants, for our own dreams. It is a common struggle, but it’s time to break free from the cycle and start running your own race. 

The first step is to clearly define what it is you truly want. Take a moment to reflect on what you want for yourself. Use your creative flair – whether it's doodling, a vision board, or writing in your journal. Getting clear your "big why" not only creates a vision for yourself but also serves as a constant reminder of what you're working towards.

Turning your dreams into reality becomes much more manageable when broken down into smaller, actionable steps. What are the specific tasks that will lead you towards your goal? Create a roadmap by identifying these steps and understanding how they contribute to your bigger picture. 

In addition, your dreams deserve dedicated time, just like any other commitment in your life. Find at least half an hour a week that belongs exclusively to you. Guard this time fiercely, it’s non-negotiable! Add your time for you to your diary and to-do list, treat this time as you would any other essential appointment.

Also, recognise that you don't have to navigate this journey alone. Identify the support you need, whether it's from family, friends, or maybe a coach. Share your goals and aspirations with those who uplift and encourage you. Collaboration and shared experiences can be powerful motivators. Explore creative ways to seek support, such as forming a small accountability group or finding online communities with similar objectives.

Feeling guilty about prioritising your goals and running your own race is a common challenge. Remind yourself that self-investment is not selfish; it's a necessary step towards personal growth. By dedicating time to your dreams, you're setting an inspiring example for your family.

In 2024, let's “roar” together and rewrite the narrative for women. It’s time to break free from the cycle of unfulfilled dreams and run your own race with intention and commitment. 

I want to support you to Roar into 2024! I want you to not only know what IT is that you want, but to have a plan for how you’re going to achieve it. Available right now, I have an online masterclass Roar into 2024. 

I want to support you to seize the opportunities in front of you and craft a year that truly reflects your goals and aspirations. In this FREE masterclass, we will explore what you truly want in life, both personally and professionally. You will set meaningful goals that are achievable, yet support you to live your best year.

This online masterclass is designed to empower you to take charge of your life. I know it’s a busy time of year, so I have pre recorded the masterclass so you can enjoy it in your own time and at your own pace. In fact, with a dedicated workbook, there are moments where I suggest you pause and complete the activities to ensure you get the most out of the masterclass. 

The masterclass is ready for you now, go to!


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