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12 Tips For A Merry Christmas

coaching lead your life positive personal change self improvement take the leap Dec 05, 2023
The Leap To Lead
12 Tips For A Merry Christmas

As we gear up for the holiday season in 2023, I wanted to take the opportunity to share my 12 tips to make your Christmas special and memorable.

  1. Simplify Your Celebrations

While it's tempting to go overboard with gifts and extras, remember that kids value your love and attention the most. Keep it simple and focus on quality time together.

  1. Create Special Moments

If you can't be with extended family, consider planning a pre-Christmas celebration. Dress up, have a virtual party, and watch your kids perform a Christmas dance or sing their favourite songs. It's all about making the day memorable.

  1. Take It Slow

Christmas can be hectic, but don't forget to take care of yourself. Put on a face mask, unwind with some music, and lose yourself in a good book. It's essential to find moments of calm amidst the chaos.

  1. Moderation is Key

It's easy to indulge in extra glasses of wine during the festive season. To enjoy that extra piece of cake. This year, make a commitment to enjoy in moderation. No one wants a holiday hangover or tightening waistlines to deal with.

  1. Stay Connected

If you can't be there in person, reach out to your friends and family through phone calls. Share stories, experiences, and uplift each other's spirits. Connection matters, especially during the holiday season.

  1. Stick to Routine

Maintain a sense of normalcy during the holiday season, especially for your kids. Keeping routines intact ensures that each day feels special, not just the holiday itself.

  1. Stay Active

With all the delicious food, it's important to keep up with some exercise. Whether it's a morning walk on the beach or a winter workout, staying active is a gift to your mental and physical health.

  1. Advent Calendar Fun

Start an advent calendar tradition if you haven't already. Keep it simple and let someone in the family choose a daily song to sing over breakfast. It's a wonderful way to count down to the big day.

  1. Get Baking

Bond with your kids by baking Christmas treats. Gingerbread men, cookies, pudding, and cakes are perfect for getting creative and having some holiday fun. We do this early in December and share the treats with our neighbours. 

  1. Crafty Decorations

Embrace the joy of crafting by making your own Christmas decorations. Create an angel banner, craft some stars, or design a unique Christmas wreath using household items. It's a wonderful way to bond with your family and infuse your home with the holiday spirit.

  1. Hug

When our stress levels go up, which can be common at this time of year, we tend to put up barriers. Start today and hug your kids that little bit longer. Hug your partner. Remember to tell them you love them. You’re a team, remember to love your team. 

  1. Have Fun

Focus on the present moment. Sing, dance, and enjoy the company of your loved ones. The more you savour the present, the more fun you'll have.

What will your Christmas look like this year? 

Wishing you and your family a fantastic holiday season in 2023!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you, thank you for being here with me throughout the year! My regular posts are going to take a break over the holiday period. During this time I have lined up a special series for you, Her Life: Wisdom & Tips For Every Woman. I have interviewed some really wonderful women who will share stories, experiences, insights and tips for you to explore and enjoy over the coming weeks. The regular content will be back in January 2024 :-)


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